Thanks to a grant from The John A. Hartford Foundation, RUSH University Medical Center is working in collaboration with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement to integrate Caring for Caregivers (C4C) into Age-Friendly Health Systems and Area Agencies on Aging nationwide. The C4C brochure helps caregivers identify how to care for themselves, as well as support the older adult they care for, in ways related to the 4Ms of an Age-Friendly Health System (What Matters, Medication, Mentation (or Mind), and Mobility).
Learn more about Age-Friendly Health Systems here.
Learn more about the Caring for Caregivers Program at Rush HERE.
Click here for English, Spanish, or Chinese copies of the C4C brochure.
Page Contents:
We invite you to join us for an introduction to the model and information about getting involved!
We invite you to join us for our monthly Caring for Caregivers Learning Communities starting in October 2024 and going through June 2025!
Each month, C4C Learning Communities provide a collaborative space for participants to regularly gather in interactive groups to explore the Caring for Caregivers and GUIDE models’ caregiver support implementation strategies, related workflows, and sustainability, including billing and the utilization of the new CMS Caregiver Training Services codes.
All Age-Friendly Health Systems, Area Agencies on Aging, GUIDE Model participants, and other interested parties are invited to join this facilitated learning opportunity.
To register, please click on the link below or scan the corresponding QR code. Please contact Diane Mariani [email protected] with any questions. We hope to see you there!
Register here for the October 23, 2024: Caring for Caregivers Learning Community kick off
Register here for Caring for Caregivers Learning Community meetings November 2024-June 2025

Caring for Caregivers (C4C) Model Overview
The Caring for Caregivers Model was created to address serious gaps in care provision for adults aged 60 and over related to a lack of identification, understanding and support of family caregivers within health systems.
When the C4C model was implemented at RUSH Medical Center, positive impacts were seen for caregivers of older adults:
- Reduction in symptoms of anxiety
- Reduction in symptoms of depression
- Reductions in levels of caregiver stress
For care recipients who had care at RUSH Medical Center and whose caregivers participated in C4C, we saw:
- Reductions in number of inpatient stays
- Reductions in number of days in hospital
- Reductions in number of Emergency Department visits
C4C is a customizable caregiver centric intervention that begins with an evaluation using validated tools, followed by involvement in any one or more of the following;
Skill-Building Meetings
- Caregivers learn to provide care in ways that are safe for them and the care recipient
- Caregivers meet with PTs, OTs, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, dietitians and/or psychologists to learn to care for themselves and their care recipients in ways related to the 4Ms of an Age-Friendly Health System (What Matters, Medication, Mentation and Mobility)
Planning for What Matters Sessions
- Caregivers and care recipients (when appropriate) meet with family systems-trained clinicians to discuss What Matters to each
- Individualized care plans are developed that reflect the values and goals of each person involved
- Plans are made to expand the care team
- Caregivers and care recipients commit to mutual support
Care Team Planning Meetings
Caregivers and care recipients become part of the care team and meet to coordinate goals of care and roles with health care personnel, both within and beyond the health system. Meetings include medication coordination among all health care providers and de-prescribing as appropriate.
Follow-up evaluation and outcomes
Follow-up phone evaluations using the tools previously administered take place on a schedule most effective for your health system.
Participation Goals
- To implement the C4C model customized to fit within your health system or organization to address caregiver needs in conjunction with the Age-Friendly Health Systems framework
- For your health system or organization to offer caregivers of older adults the individualized education and support they need to provide care congruent with What Matters to them and their care recipients, resulting in improved outcomes for both
RUSH University Medical Center will help accomplish these goals by providing:
- Training on the C4C Model
- Learning Communities in which other health systems or community organizations with similar caregiver needs, patient demographics, funding structures and leadership models will be grouped to share targeted information and support
- Technical assistance on an individual basis to assist with any unique implementation needs
Benefits of Participation
- Billable services provide sustainability
- Improved outcomes for caregivers and older adult care recipients
- Professionals working at top of licenses
- Reduced penalties for health systems for readmissions, lengths of stay and emergency department visits
- Connection with peers that are implementing the model in similar settings through participation in training and learning community meetings as well as ongoing consultation with C4C staff as needed, all provided at no charge
Data Collection and Submission
- For quality improvement as well as clinical purposes, we encourage collecting meaningful data such as screening for depression, anxiety, and caregiver stress—and can recommend processes and tools for this approach.
- We also encourage each health system to tailor their own approach to quality improvement to what best serves their needs.
- Deidentified data is requested to be sent to C4C staff to assist with the evaluation
- Sites implementing the C4C model in their health systems will be recognized as Partners in Caring for Caregivers, and will receive a badge that may be used in any promotional material
Participation Costs
- There are no fees for participation. Costs incurred include staff and administrative time needed to develop, market and offer the program to caregivers
- Consultation is provided regarding options for in-house cost coverage
Nutritional Videos
Meeting Caregivers Nutritional Needs
Kristin Gustashaw, a Registered Dietitian at Rush University Medical Center shares a new miniseries for caregivers on tips for quick and healthy eating tips.
Quick and Simple Meatball Recipe for Caregivers
Kristin Gustashaw, RD, shares a quick recipe for meatballs with minimal ingredients and more convenience, a ten-minute prep meal!
Nutrition Tips for Caregivers
Kristin Gustashaw, RD, advises on simple to-go snacks to fuel your body in preparation for a day filled with caregiver duties.